2016-2017 https://edps.upc.edu/en/seminar/2016-2017 https://edps.upc.edu/++resource++plone-logo.svg Share: 2016-2017 20-10-16 Joaquim Serra (ETH, Zürich) "Stable nonlocal phase transitions and minimal surfaces" 15 h., Aula S01, FME-UPC. 01-12-16 Bruno Franchi (Università de Bologna) "Alzheimer's disease: a mathematical model for onset and progression" 15 h., Aula S01, FME-UPC 15-12-16. Matteo Cozzi (UPC) "Regularity results for minimizers and solutions of nonlocal problems via fractional De Giorgi classes". Xavier Ros-Otón ( University of Texas at Austin) "Regularity of free boundaries in oblstacle problem 15 h., Aula S01, FME-UPC 02-02-17. Fernando Charro (UPC) "The Monge-Ampere equation: Classical local applications and recent nonlocal developments" 15 h., Aula S01, FME-UPC 09-02-2017.. Mariel Sáez (Universidad Católica de Chile) " Fractional Laplacians and extensions problems: the higher rank case. 15 h. Aula S01. FME 20-04-2017. Bernat Guillem (Princeton University) "Problemes d'extensió de Whitney i principis de finitesa" 15 h. Aula S01. FME 11-05-2017. Aaron Nung Kwan Yip (Purdue University) "Some Results for Motion by Mean Curvature in Heterogeneous Medium" 15 h. Aula S01. FME